摘要:Trabalho recebido e avaliado pelo Conselho executivo da Revista Quaestio Iuris RESUMO Trata o presente ensaio de identificar a ocorrência de comportamentos populacionais e atitudes governamentais próprios do nacionalismo e do patriotismo, considerados em seus diversos tipos e níveis, na Amazônia Brasileira.Parte-se da cunhagem conceitual do patriotismo constitucional, desde sua elaboração primordial por Dolf Sternberg a sua difusão por Jürgen Habermas como alternativa à crise do historicismo, na Alemanha dos anos 1980, e traça-se breve comentário sobre os casos de superação da pluralidade sociocultural da própria Alemanha, do Reino Unido, da Espanha e da Suíça, em suas respectivas dimensões nacionais, bem como da União Européia, na dimensão comunitária.Segue-se com a abstração para a relação entre o patriotismo constitucional e o republicanismo e a contextualização para o caso brasileiro e, mais especificamente, a presença brasileira na Amazônia.Recortando-se o oeste amazônico, comparam-se as conjunturas dos estados do Amazonas, onde predomina o patriotismo geográfico, do Acre, patriotismo histórico, e Rondônia, onde o patriotismo jurídico se evidencia na proposta transgeracional do desenvolvimento sustentável.Especula-se a instauração do dilema referente à universalidade dos princípios da sustentabilidade planetária e a vulnerabilização da soberania brasileira na Amazônia em face do internacionalismo que inspiraria, apresentando-se como alternativa a promoção da autoestima das populações amazônicas com a afirmação de que são capazes de um papel pró-ativo na garantia de sustentabilidade do desenvolvimento regional.À produção textual essencialmente ensaística são somados elementos metodológicos formais visando a propiciar seu recebimento no meio acadêmico.
其他摘要:The present essay deals with identifying the occurrence of population behavior and
government attitudes typical of nationalism and patriotism, considered in their different kinds
and levels, in the Brazilian Amazon. One starts from the conceptual coining of constitutional
patriotism, from its initial elaboration by Dolf Sternberg and its propagation by Jürgen
Habermas as an alternative to the crisis of historicism, in 1980’s Germany, and one makes a
brief commentary about the cases of overcoming socio-cultural plurality in Germany itself, in
the United Kingdom, in Spain and in Switzerland, in their respective national dimensions, as
well as in the European Union, in the community dimension. What follows is the abstraction
for the relationship between constitutional patriotism and republicanism, and its
contextualization for the Brazilian case, and, more specifically, for the Brazilian presence in
the Amazon. The junctures in the Brazilian states of Amazonas, where geographic patriotism
prevails, Acre, where historical patriotism prevails, and Rondônia, where legal patriotism is
evident in the trans-generational proposition of sustainable development, are compared. One
speculates about the introduction of the dilemma regarding the universality of the principles
of planetary sustainability, and the associated increasing vulnerability of Brazilian sovereignty
in the Amazon, due to the internationalism it would inspire, presenting itself as an alternative
to the promotion of self-esteem of the Amazon populations, with the statement that they are
capable of having a pro-active role in guaranteeing the sustainability of the region’s
关键词:Patriotismo Constitucional;Desenvolvimento Sustentável;Amazônia;ABSTRACT The present essay deals with identifying the occurrence of population behavior and government attitudes typical of nationalism and patriotism; considered in their different kinds and levels; in the Brazilian Amazon;One starts from the conceptual coining of constitutional patriotism; from its initial elaboration by Dolf Sternberg and its propagation by Jürgen Habermas as an alternative to the crisis of historicism; in 1980’s Germany; and one makes a brief commentary about the cases of overcoming socio-cultural plurality in Germany itself; in the United Kingdom; in Spain and in Switzerland; in their respective national dimensions; as well as in the European Union; in the community dimension;What follows is the abstraction for the relationship between constitutional patriotism and republicanism; and its contextualization for the Brazilian case; and; more specifically; for the Brazilian presence in the Amazon;The junctures in the Brazilian states of Amazonas; where geographic patriotism prevails; Acre; where historical patriotism prevails; and Rondônia; where legal patriotism is evident in the trans-generational proposition of sustainable development; are compared;One speculates about the introduction of the dilemma regarding the universality of the principles of planetary sustainability; and the associated increasing vulnerability of Brazilian sovereignty in the Amazon; due to the internationalism it would inspire; presenting itself as an alternative to the promotion of self-esteem of the Amazon populations; with the statement that they are capable of having a pro-active role in guaranteeing the sustainability of the region’s development;Keywords: Constitutional Patriotism;Sustainable development;Amazon.