摘要:This study sought to explore the relationship between Iranian EFL teachers’ transformational leadership style and sense of responsibility. To do so, 183 Iranian EFL teachers took part in this study. The data were collected through Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (Avolio, Bass & Jung, 1995) and Teachers’ Responsibility Scale (Lauermann & Karabenick, 2013). To analyse the data, spearman correlation and linear regression were run. The results revealed that Iranian EFL teachers’ transformational leadership style was significantly correlated with their sense of responsibility. Moreover, it was found that transformational leadership style was a positive predictor of teachers’ sense of responsibility. It was concluded that higher transformational leadership styles contributes to higher sense of responsibility, which in turn affects students’ learning and help them achieve their educational purposes. The finding of this study is particularly significant for educational practitioners and teachers, as it will help teachers focus on these two individual characteristics in order to augment both teaching and learning quality.
关键词:Sense of responsibility;Transformational leadership;Individual characteristic;EFL teacher ;