摘要:We carried out experiments at the SOLEIL synchrotron facility to acquire data for modelling CO photochemistry in the vacuum ultraviolet. We report oscillator strengths and predissociation rates for four vibrational bands associated with transitions from the v = 0 level of the X\hbox{$^{1}\Sigma^{+}$} ground state to the v = 0–3 vibrational levels of the core excited W1Π Rydberg state, and for three overlapping bands associated with the 4pπ, 5pπ, and 5pσ Rydberg states between 92.9 and 93.4 nm in 13C18O. These results complete those obtained in the same conditions for 12C16O, 13C16O, and 12C18O recently published by us, and extend the development of a comprehensive database of line positions, oscillator strengths, and linewidths of photodissociating transitions for CO isotopologues. Absorption spectra were recorded using the Vacuum UltraViolet Fourier Transform Spectrometer (VUV-FTS) installed on the Dichroïsme Et Spectroscopie par Interaction avec le Rayonnement Synchrotron (DESIRS) beamline at SOLEIL. The resolving power of the measurements, R = 300 000 to 400 000, allows the analysis of individual line strengths and widths within the bands. Gas column densities in the differentially pumped system were calibrated using the B-X (0–0) band at 115.1 nm in 13C18O.
关键词:enISM: moleculesmethods: laboratory: molecularmolecular datatechniques: spectroscopicultraviolet: ISM