摘要:Abstract The purpose of this research is to identify the most disturbing categories of problems among international students at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. The questionnaires were sent to 135 international students which had been selected based on multi sampling (stratified sampling and systematic sampling). Mooney Problem Check List (MPCL) was used to identify the categories of problems among international students. This instrument consists of 11 categories of problems. The categories include Health, Finances, Lifestyle and Career, Social and Recreational, Psychological Social Relation, Personal relationships and Emotional, Marriage and Sexual, Family, Moral and Religious, Adapting to academic Work, Future Career Adapting, Curriculum and Method of Teaching Problems. Suggestions and recommendations were also collected through interviews. Data collected was analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS for Windows v. 15). Pareto Principle was used to identify the most disturbing items in each category of problems. Results show that the most disturbing categories of problems among international students at UTM are Social and Recreational Problems and Curriculum and Method of Teaching Problems.
关键词:International students;ctegories of problems;most disturbing problems;Pareto Principle