摘要:Abstract The present research tries to examine the reasons why teachers are interested in further studies in centres of higher education. Participants of this research were all centres of higher education in Bojnord, Iran. A questionnaire was utilized to collect the data. To analyze the data, percentile rank, central-oriented indicators, and Chi-square were taken. The results are as follows: Increase amount of knowledge and mankind's wisdom and as a result, new scientific and educational needs encourage teachers for further studies; no matter they are male or female. Interest in learning more and more. Low level of education leads to low self-confidence, and makes interaction less. High level of education leads to reputation, prestige, and high social status. The Higher the level of education, more salary and less financial problems. Findings indicated that teachers are not interested in further studies due to better position in the school (such as principal of the school); surprisingly, all teachers, both males and females, agreed on this.