摘要:A leitura cuidadosa do texto do “Tratado de Paris”, em 1900, leva Mark Twain a concluir que a intenção política norte-americana era, claramente, a de subjugação. Declara-se, abertamente, antiimperialista, nesse momento, apesar das inúmeras críticas recebidas por antagonistas políticos que defendiam o establishment dos Estados Unidos. Após viajar para a Europa e Oriente, em 1867, como correspondente do jornal Daily Alta Califórnia , Mark Twain publica, em 1869, seu relato de viagem, The Innocents Abroad or The New Pilgrim’s Progress . Nosso estudo demonstra que o autor, apesar das diversas máscaras usadas em seus relatos, narra histórias, culturas e tradições, tanto da Europa quanto do Oriente, já com os olhos bem abertos pelo viés antiimperialista. Faz uso da paródia, sátira, ironia e humor para dessacralizar impérios, monarcas e a Igreja que subjugavam os mais fracos, iluminando, desde então, os estudos sobre culturas. Nosso estudo, outrossim, faz uma reflexão sobre cultura, tradição e o olhar do viajante, justificando o “olhar inocente” do narrador em seu relato.
其他摘要:After carefully reading the Treaty of Paris in 1900, Mark Twain concluded that the goal of U.S. policy was clearly one of subjugation. He openly declared himself an anti-imperialist at that time, in spite of the numerous criticisms he received from political opponents who supported the United States status quo. After traveling to Europe and the East in 1867 as a correspondent for The Daily Alta California newspaper, Mark Twain published his travel report, The Innocents Abroad or The New Pilgrim’s Progress in 1869. Our study demonstrates that the author, in spite of using different guises in his reports, narrated histories, cultures and traditions – from both Europe and the East – with a viewpoint already imbued by his anti-imperialistic ideals. Twain made use of parody, satire, irony and humor within his texts in order to desecrate empires, monarchs and the Church – all of which subjugated the weak – thus shedding light on cultural studies since then. Likewise, our study reflects on themes such as culture, tradition and the traveler’s eye, justifying the narrator’s “innocent point of view” in his report.
关键词:The Innocents Abroad or The New Pilgrim’s Progress;Mark Twain;relato de viagem;paródia;antiimperialismo.;The Innocents Abroad or The New Pilgrim’s Progress;Mark Twain;travel report;parody;anti-imperialism.
其他关键词:The Innocents Abroad or The New Pilgrim’s Progress; Mark Twain; travel report; parody; anti-imperialism.