期刊名称:The Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations = Revista Română de Comunicare şi Relaţii Publice
出版社:National School of Political Studies and Public Administration
摘要:The paper focuses on whether Europe will be able to maintain and preserve its role and values within a world background dominated by troubled crisis and post-crisis processes and effects, a question introduced by George Soros and Gregor Peter Schmitz ‘s book ‘The Tragedy of the European Union. Disintegration or Revival? published by Public Affairs in 2014. We have chosen to start our paper considering on the idea of ‘uncertainty as a danger spreading at the world level’( Luce, 2014) then focusing on the importance of Europe preserving its place in the rising multi-polar world order and on the necessity of making use of solidarity values and cooperation inside the European Union, re-stating the original spirit of the union and viewing competitiveness.