出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:From the analysis of the funerary practices and of their integration in the different chronological-cultural contexts where they develop, the author works out a new interpretation of the mechanism of negotiation of power and the promotion of social identity through the Bronze Age of the NW Iberian Peninsula. When studying an area so wide she distinguishes two great trends in the type and distribution of the funerary architectures throughout the Bronze Age that she associates with different ways of interaction with, and perception of, the world. Thus, she argues that the necropolises of “cloudy” tombs (cists without tumuli, plain graves and pits), located in areas of great agricultural potential and close to the settlements, may have been constructed by sedentary communities, very involved in agricultural activities, with a great sense of territoriality and a great control over, and deep knowledge of, the territory. On the other hand the communities involved with mountain landscapes, eventually more related to cattle and with ways of life that would imply greater mobility, were responsible for the construction of more visible funerary structures, such as small tumuli of megalithic tradition, located away from the settlements. In relation to the social role of the corpse, the author argues for the Early Bronze Age, that, the occupation of new territories, the emergence of a new form of community interaction with the environment and the emergence of new mechanisms of power and legitimacy of the territory were materialized in burial practices and in the social role of some corpses, in copper and gold grave goods. This social role was represented in old and new places. From the Middle Bronze Age she assumes that the corpse loses importance in collective terms and that death becomes more familiar. The new settings of power negotiation and social identity are transferred to other contexts of action more connected with the sphere of the living. She relates as examples the places of exploitation of tin; the places of production, manipulation and deposition of artefacts in bronze; the arenas where communities built and placed the emerging statue-menhirs and in the interior of the settlements. During the Late Bronze Age these dynamics would have been accented, with increase of the transformation of the corpse and the consequent loss of the importance of the physical body, over all in the places or periods where cremations seem to be more evident. She distinguishes the great importance assumed for settlements as centres of power and the development of places located on hilltops, true enclosures, sometimes surrounded by walls, and where there were actions that implied the manipulation of several, diversified metal goods, as well as other articles of exceptional raw materials and a great amount of exceptional ceramic containers. She finishes praising the necessity of contingency studies that allow us to confirm or to invalidate the assumptions made.
关键词:Northwest of Iberian Peninsula;Bronze Age;Funerary practices;Social role of the corpses;Social identity;Places of power;Noroeste Peninsular;Edad del Bronce;Prácticas funerarias;Papel social del cadáver;Identidad grupal;Escenarios de poder