标题:Antracología y paleoecología en el cuadrante suroriental de la Península Ibérica: las aportaciones del yacimiento de la Edad del Bronce de Terlinques (Villena, Alicante)
出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:In this paper we present the results of the charcoal analyses from the Bronze Age settlement of Terlinques (Villena, Alicante). We discuss the predominance of Pinus halepensis in relation to the other woody species. Taking into account the environmental conditions (availability of materials) and the bio-geographical context, the Villena Corridor is a frontier territory where floral and climatic influences of the Spanish Meseta and of the Iberian Southeast converge. Comparison with other anthracological and palynological studies allow us to propose some thoughts on palaeoecological changes in the Iberian Southeast.
关键词:Anthracology;Palaeoecology;Bronze Age;Antracología;Paleoecología;Edad del Bronce