标题:El uso de trillos durante la Edad del Cobre en la Meseta española. Análisis traceológico de una colección de denticulados de sílex procedentes del ‘recinto de fosos’ de El Casetón de la Era (Villalba de los Alcores, Valladolid)
出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:Large bifacial flint tools are frequently found in Copper Age sites from Iberian Península. They usually show a visible gloss on their denticulated working edges, possibly related to cereal cutting. As a result, these tools have been interpreted as sickle blades. This paper partially contradicts this hypothesis, since most of the pieces recovered at the site of El Casetón de la Era (Villalba de los Alcores, Valladolid) were not used as sickles, but rather they could have been fl akes in threshing-boards. Therefore, this is the earliest evidence of the use of threshingboards in Iberia. This type of tool is in some way similar to those found in the Near East during the Bronze Age.