出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:Royal coronation rituals in the Indo-European world are discussed from the points of view of two different disciplines, historical anthropology and archaeology. The paper starts with literary and ethnographic references to coronation rituals and rites, with special emphasis with that of placing the foot on a special rock. The relationships between these sources and the presence of carved rock footprints in Galicia, dating from the Bronze and Iron Ages, are then analysed and the possibility that these carvings reflect the ceremonies described in the texts is discussed.
关键词:Bronze age;Iron age;Petroglyphs;Celt rites;Pontevedra (province);Orense (province);Edad del Bronce;Edad del Hierro;Petroglifos;Ritos celtas;Pontevedra (provincia);Orense (provincia)