首页    期刊浏览 2024年06月26日 星期三


  • 标题:Casos curiosos, peculiaridades y formas alternativas de anotar la música en el área hispánica en el siglo XVII. Procesos de intercambio entre lo culto y lo popular
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  • 作者:Antonio Ezquerro Esteban
  • 期刊名称:Anuario Musical
  • 印刷版ISSN:1988-4125
  • 出版年度:2001
  • 卷号:0
  • 期号:56
  • 页码:97-113
  • 语种:Spanish
  • 出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
  • 摘要:The present paper deals with an approach to some cases on Spanish 17 th century Music notated in a wide variety of forms. The graphic image of these cases, will help us to better understand the adopted shapes of music, in order to reach a better "circulation" among the chapel masters and composers of the period. And that concerns not only to music, but also to the accompanying poems, or other "working models" in further elaborations, such as musical incipits, etc. Then, this contribution goes to think about on the strong influence of the Catholic church -as main patron of music in Spain- on the conformed traditions and customs of Hispanic composition, as well as on the repertories, and how these "manners" conditioned peculiar ways of notating music, creating a big variety of manuscript copies. And last but not least, the paper studies possible interchanges between the "cultivated" and "popular" surroundings of music, trough an blurred round trip, that it is needed, again, to clarify today.