摘要:The paper deals with a mathematical model that simulates the random occurrence of events during cutting processes by milling. The evolution of certain parameters that typify the cutting processes depends on predictable and non-predictable variables. In this context, either the material hardness that varies in different sides of billet, or cutting depth, can act as non-predictable variables. In order to design a response in terms of cutting parameters to non-predictable variations of inputs, a simulation of such phenomena is very useful. A mathematical model that generates random events, both in terms of non-uniform frequency and intensity is here described. A virtual instrument built in LabVIEW generates (pseudo) random events based on a combination of random numbers, as the evolution of the simulated process to be much like a real one. Furthermore the user of virtual instrument can generate himself events at certain moments and of certain intensity. This can be a useful tool to study the algorithms of designing the response which should re-balance the process within adaptive control systems.