摘要:Sliding door was built by some of the main block diagram, for example: Userblocks, controlling the sliding door that uses LPT port I / O, block PC in theform of motor program (which is used is the Delphi program); block the DCmotor (using a DC motor as the driving source of door); block inverter, whichfunctions as a converter for data transmission can be routed to the existingcontrol signals on parallel port. And the last is a function block switches tocontrol the doors to open automatically open and close the pressure switch bypressing the switch closed. Led consists of eight pieces are arranged with acommon cathode, where it serves as an indicator LED light that indicates thedoor is open or closed; the latter is a function block switches for controlling thedoor automatically opened by pressing the button or the close button . Programused to control the DC motor is the Delphi programming language.