摘要:Computers are one of a very large discovery in line with the times, the moreluaslah need for such a capability possessed by the computer, causing theemergence of new terebosan breakthrough-one of which is made chipmicrocontroller. Single-chip microcontroller is a computer that has the ability tobe programmed and used for specific tasks oriented control. Microcontrollercomes with two main reasons, the first is the market needs (market need) and thesecond is the development of new technologies. With a programmablemicrocontroller advantages that attracted writers use them as research material.Home safety program is one fruit of the results, so it can streamline andminimize the conventional circuit with the same end result, either the physicalsize and price.. In writing this research uses a literature study by studying thebooks that have anything to do with a microcontroller, so that the simulationmethod can see the output through a software simulator, iii, and also by usingthe method of discussion with people who understand the microcontroller.