摘要:Pension Funds Bank Indonesia (DAPENBI) is an institution where the pensionfund in determining the amount of benefits received by the front bringsconsequences that are required for one time depends on several factors, namelythe distribution of age and working lives of participants, the actuarial interestrate and the rate of increase salary is used, the maximum retirement and normalretirement age, as well as the basic pension. The purpose of this Funding RatiosTo determine the effect of health to assess the level of Bank Indonesia and thePension Fund To find out Pension funding ratios as a measure of the health levelof Bank Indonesia Pension Fund. The problem studied in this paper is to supportthe funding condition rating of Bank Indonesia Pension Fund. The author wouldlike to know whether the condition of Bank Indonesia Pension Fund funding hasbeen going well. The result using the ratio of funding Ratio of Pension Funds ofBank Indonesia has been quite good in which Bank Indonesia Pension FundActuarial could pay off the debt before maturity. key words: ratio analysis, financing retirement