摘要:Film industry was so large. Various types of films produced in the entire worldsupply in Indonesia. Simplify the Internet for movie enthusiasts seekinginformation about a favorite film, favorite artists and much other relatedinformation. In Indonesia, a lot of movie fans, but only a very small website thatprovides information on the film in the Indonesian language. One of the biggestis www.cineplex21.com. According to the writer's observation in the websitethere are some shortcomings such as limited information that only relate tocinema Cineplex 21, considering the film enthusiasts in Indonesia are not allgoing to the movies, VCDs and DVDs are considered to be a cheaperalternative. Another deficiency is the lack of news about the artist and the fullstory related in the film world. Movie Info Website Galih made specifically forfans of movies that require information on the latest movies that are outstanding.In this website also provides info about the films that became a best seller. Andthis website also provides info movies that could become the best-selling movieat the time shows found on the catalog pages. With the intent and purpose is toprovide information for fans of the film in order to find out about the latestmovies quickly through this website Galih Movie Info. This website alsoprovides a column of the registration for the fans who wanted to film his newmovie info sent via email. key words: films information, website, php, mysql, dreamweaver mx