摘要:In scientific writing, the writer discusses the making of the web for onlineregistration using PHP which is a script for a server-based programming. PHPoften used to build a dynamic web site so that it can retrieve, process andprovide information effectively. The discussion starts with the introduction ofPHP, how the shape and structure of the language. Then the authors explain theonline registration web applications using PHP script which is an example ofusing PHP script. Furthermore, the authors also use Dreamweaver as a regulatorof web pages, Photoshop 7.0 as an attractive graphic design on web pages. Useof MySQL database on this website is based on excellence that is owned byMySQL, such as capable of handling millions of users at the same time, able toaccommodate more than 50 million records, very quickly execute commandsand have privilege system that easily and efficiently. The purpose of this writerto create a website, not just limited to online registration, website aims to informSMUN a North Tambun to the community outside the city Bekas.