摘要:Multimedia is a concept whereby communication elements such as text, images,sound and video animation are combined into one to be processed and presentedinteractively. Thing that distinguishes a multimedia application to another is theinteraction between applications with humans who use them. Advancement ininformation technology, especially in the field of computers, has enabled it all.Users no longer just sit as spectators, but he can control the show. Users also canget information or want to know about multimedia with a course that will beable to develop their talents and expertise. This multimedia program to facilitatethe ascent to open this Internet site. The process at this desaim authors who enterdata exist on Mount Rinjani, the authors go directly to the base camp or theposts to get accurate information that can publish Mount Rinjani National ParkWest. Authors analyze the survey team visited the place that this analysis can beuseful for safety, security and does not endanger the climbers. This applicationis created using a multimedia application development software program swish2.0 which is expected to be much easier in terms of use and more attractive interms of presentation.