摘要:Currently in the garage Palmerah Core Motor Cars in making their financialstatements are still using traditional management, where an accounting clerk stillmake record of each transaction separately through customer data form thefollowing types of service, and forms of payment. Only after that all the resultsof his daily transactions in put in a weekly cash reports and journals. Thereforethe proposal is made form, DFD, ERD, and normalization to produce the formof cash reports, journals, and income statement with the help of Visual Basic 6.0applications to produce monthly financial reports. In essence Motor RepairPalmerah itself has two divisions consisting of 42 employees in 10 parts and fiveparts of the field office. While the types of services offered there are three types:Repairt Body, Car Salon, and Pengantian Oli. To overcome these obstaclesmade the proposal to the owners of the garage to rearrange the way used inmaking the financial statements of the traditional management to becomputerized by using computer-assisted least with the type specificationspentium 3, 20 Gb hard disk, and using Visual Basic 6.0 software in order toassist the accounting officer , garage owners, and consumers in a serviceworkshop. Financial Statements in the company represents an important step forcompanies to find revenue from transactions entered so that owners of thesecompanies may take further decisions. Plus a program that the author made withVisual Basic 6.0 applications to make the companys financial statements.Readers are advised to redevelop existing programs by adding other facilitiessuch as making the balance sheets, statements of changes in capital, and thejournal cover with a modified appearance.