摘要:PT.RASEUKI pregnancy is one of the companies in Indonesia. In executing thework should be supported with adequate infrastructure. To help with theactivities of this company employment in the computer used in various fields ofwork. In performing a job, the employee or employees frequently send andreceive data from employees or other employees. To submit data or message,sometimes requiring intermediaries to disclose. In conveying the message ordata, it can be through people who can be trusted, but this way the message ordata sent is not necessarily fully accepted by the intended person correctly. Thatway the cost was relatively large dikeluarkanpun and requires a long time..RASEUKI pregnancy LAN Network at. RASEUKI BERATA.menggunakanstar topology as network configuration, and on each Pc contained in each roomconnected to a switching hub to the room using a terminal that is available inevery room and then connected to the server using the UTP cable astransmission media with maximum speed of 100 Mbps. general in each roomhas the same architecture, which distinguishes it only terminal in each room.LAN network with star topology configuration was selected because the UTPcable to a fairly easy installation, and minimal kerusakan.konfigurasiPT.RASEUKI was applied to the pregnancy.