摘要:Abstract|APPLICATION OF KALIMANTANTOURISM WITH MACROMEDIA FLASH 8 AnittaRatna Puspita Undergraduate Program, Directorateof Information Technology Diploma Program, 2010 Gu-nadarma University http://www.gunadarma.ac.id keyword:e-learning, tourism, Kalimantan (xiii+ 73+ appendix) AB-STRACT This paper discusses about making an applicationto know Borneo tour using Macromedia Flash 8. Withthis software is expected to more easily delivered andmore interesting, because it delivered interactively andusing some animation. This application aims to encouragetourism businesses and to increase public knowledge ofriches and beauty of Indonesia, especially on the islandof Borneo. For recent Indonesian people prefer to travelabroad compared to local tourism. In this application,presented general information from Borneo and eachprovince contained therein, as well as tourist and culturalinformation held in each province