摘要:More advanced Internet technologies allow us to have quick access to theinformation we need. Internet networks not only displays static information tetaihave expanded even further, such as a site of entertainment, information, sales,and online transaction without the limited space of time trial. It can not beseparated from the website as the main source of information on the Internet. Atthis writing, the author wants to take advantage of the Internet media to designand create a distro website. Making a website is expected, a person canovercome the problems in conducting a clothing and fashion accessories buyer.Because the distributions boxshaw website provides the means to makereservations online clothing and accessories. The discussion starts with theintroduction of PHP, how the shape and structure of the language and explainwhat facilities are provided by PHP.. All discussions and penarapan based onthe theory of HTML, Client-Server concept, and several Internet technologies ingeneral and especially on the web. Also included the theoretical basis of theconcept of open source, are used in applications that authors use as theimplementation of PHP and some theories that are considered necessary.