摘要:Information is not only a source of wealth but also the organization, whichenables organizations to make changes in its environment. At the present time,in business, people are increasingly aware of the importance of data as a source.They recognize the need to incorporate key data files and create information toall parts of the business and can create multi-use decisions. In a system there isan analyst that serves to analyze the data or information as a decision-making tothe development process. And an analyst supporting tools necessary to take adecision. The basic concept of this paper is to explain how the way of making anapplication that helps to analyze and as a decision support tool or businessmaninvestors who want to invest in shares in the capital market. Making theapplication of these financial ratios are expected to make it easier to analyze andmake decisions and can store data for comparison as well as facilitate processingautomatically compared with the manual way, and thus more attractive.