摘要:In the world of work, data management is one part that is very important for acompany or a particular institution to disclose information required by a groupof people who require certain information. The author would like to create anapplication that will facilitate the task of a renderer information (in this case is alaundry service officers). The author focuses on the making of an application forrecording customer data, data Laundry, transaction data, transaction dataprocessing and presents the data in the form of a receipt as proof of paymenttransactions and preparing reports on the leaders aim to make a listingapplication transaction that is expected to help officers Laundry service inconducting recording transactions, and transaction data calculations to make thepayment receipt and report to the leadership so that customer service could beimproved.. Recording transactions manually takes a long time, especially wemust check one by one customer data at the transaction. The problem becomesmore complicated when recording manually is experiencing errors resulting ininaccurate information obtained. Therefore we need a Registration Applicationof computerized transactions that facilitate in obtaining accurate information,thus minimizing error. At the main menu consists of three menu with severalmenu items ie the file menu to exit the menu items, menu item menu oftransactions with transaction data, and a master menu with menu items andlaundry customers. The advantage of this application can improve theperformance of a laundry in serving customers. The increase was mainly onefficiency and effectiveness of recording data and simplify the process data.