摘要:ABSTRACT iii Faerlina Lilyana 30104627 MAKING WEBSITEORNAMENTAL PLANTS ADENIUM USING PHP AND My SQL ScientificWriting. Faculty of Computer Science. 2008. Keywords: Adenium, PHP,MySQL (xi 41 Annex) In scientific writing, the author tries to create websitesabout ornamental plants adenium using PHP and MySQL which is known asCambodia Adenium Japanese or Indonesian people call it the grave withflowers, this adenium very appealing to fans of ornamental plants because theseplants have a variety of flower colors are beautiful and unique. The plant alsohas a special characteristic, that is capable of growing roots, such as bulbs andtubers in this section serves as water storage. This Adenium used than suitableas an ornamental terrace house, this plant can also survive despite dry area. Theflowers are displayed on these plants can provide inspiration, relieve stress, andrelieving tired for plant lovers adenium. For the procedure for creating awebsite, there is also a form of non-linear navigational structure. Therefore thiswebsite there is also the design for each page, and manufacturing steps for eachpage, as well as the process of uploading the program.