摘要:DESIGN OF RITUALS OF HAJJCOMPUTER-BASED TRAINING WITH MACRO-MEDIA FLASH 8 Ahmad Fadhli Undergraduate Program,Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology,2009 Gunadarma University http://www.gunadarma.ac.idkeywords : rituals of hajj, design, animation (xv + 118+appendix) This application is used for people of all layersto learn and understand the guidelines and procedures fordoing the pilgrimage with good and true. In this paperthe author uses Macromedia Flash 8. The program isvery supportive for making animation, text, sounds, andsupports for exe format programming. Moreover, anothersupport tools use in this study, there are the Swish maxand Adobe Photoshop CS2. The process of making thisapplication is divided into several stages. This stage donesequentially according to the procedures to facilitate themaking application. Stages of the applications ranging fromnavigation structure, arrangement drawings, animation,sound settings up to stage testing that is done directly onthe user's activity. It is expected that these applicationscan facilitate and enhance quality of teaching and learningprocess.