摘要:WEBSITE TOUR OF NORTHERN SUMA-TRA USING MACROMEDIA DREAMWEAVER 8. Fer-dinand Leonard Undergraduate Program, Directorate of In-formation Technology Diploma Program, 2008 GunadarmaUniversity http://www.gunadarma.ac.id keyword: web-site, information, internet (xii + 61 + appendix) AB-STRACT Design of North Sumatra Tourism Website us-ing Dreamweaver 8 Macromedia, is a website that containsinformation about the destination as well as cultural at-tractions such as history and customs. These informationhas not been known by the general public, especially thetourists who wish to visit the North. Most of the peopleand tourists know a little information for example a desti-nation of Lake Toba in North Sumatra. Though there aremany other tourist destinations in North Sumatra are noless beautiful to Lake Toba. This North Sumatra TourismWebsite using html and PHP in Dreamweaver 8 applicationdisplays the websites that provide information about theNorth Sumatra Tourism, attractions, history, and others.By simply using a computer and browsing through the in-ternet and then click a button selection from the menu thenthe internet users will immediately obtain a variety of in-formation quickly and accurately about the North SumatraTourism Website.