摘要:In todays world, the PC is an important tool in solving daily work either typingor other work to support the functions of a PC in fact is not just for typing orsimply just to support their work, but also as entertainment. Now the PCapplication is implemented that gives a lot of usability and user comfort. One isthe game. In scientific writing, the writer tries to make the application of gameOthello. Besides the entertainment, this game can train the power of thinkingand improve concentration and dexterity of the user PC. Othello Game This is aboardgame game uses artificial intelligence (Artificial Intellegent). Gamedevelopment using Java 2 Software Devolopment Kit (J2SDK), which is theobject-oriented language that can be used to develop standalone applications,Internet and intranet-based applications, and smart device applications fordevices that can communicate via the Internet or network.