摘要:Abstract|INDONESIA SPECIAL CULINARY WEB-SITE USING JOOMLA ADE KURNIAWAN Under-graduate Program, Directorate of Information Tech-nology Diploma Program, 2010 Gunadarma Universityhttp://www.gunadarma.ac.id keyword: website, Indonesianculinary, joomla ( xiv + 61 + appendix) ABSTRACT In-donesia has a wide range of culinary specialties scattered invarious provinces. Each province has its own characteristics,both in terms of taste, shape and materials used. The di-versity is largely unknown food of Indonesian society. Thatrequires a means to inform people of Indonesia on Indone-sia's culinary diversity. This paper aims to create a uniqueculinary web of Indonesia, is expected to manufacture thisuniquely Indonesian culinary website to provide informationto the public. Information obtained from the website aboutthe culinary, typical of several regions in Indonesia, startingculinary specialty of Aceh province to Papua province.