摘要:ABSTRACT :The website offers us the easiness to obtain information and data while one ofthem is information that an early initiation of breastfeeding is a natural processto return a human baby to breastfeed, that is by giving the baby to find and suckmilk alone, in the first hour on kehidupanya early. Thus, actual human babies aswell as other mammalian infants have the ability to feed itself. It happens ifimmediately after birth, the baby is left skin contact with his mother, at least forone hour to ensure the ongoing process of the correct feeding. By feeding it welland correctly, then the infant mortality rate and infant development disorder canbe avoided. Knowledge of early initiation of breastfeeding has not been widelyknown to the public and even health workers. This is reasonable because ofearly initiation of breastfeeding is a new science for Indonesia (State Minister ofWomen Empowerment of Indonesia.. In making this web site, the authordesigned the website with using Macromedia Dreamweaver 8, PHP and MySQLas a program code as the database. So visitors can interact with the pages of aninteractive web site. The website introduction early initiation of breastfeeding asan alternative to deliver information to provide convenience to the public toobtain information about the IMD. This web site has the advantage of existingweb sites (WWW.aimi_asi.org dated May 11, 2008 at 17:00 pm) This web siteincludes counting the number of visitors, guest book, the registration form aninteresting and animated images. But of course the web site introduction earlyinitiation of breastfeeding is still far from perfection because there are still manyshortcomings such as lack of community form, the absence of google searchengine.