摘要:Science and Technology is developing rapidly now. Progress of Science andTechnology is needed because it can help us in completing a job becomes easier,faster, and efficient. Computer is one example of the application of Science andTechnology. With the computer storage, conversion and data processing, andsearch and information discovery can be done in a relatively short time. Thewriting was confined to making an application for processing transaction data,inventory data and preparing reports sales drugs to the leadership. Thisapplication was built using Microsoft Visual Basic. NET and SQL Server.Scientific Writing objective is to create an application that drug sales areexpected to help the dispenser in doing transaction records, inspection of druginventory and sales reports to the leadership so that customer service could beimproved. Stages of application, learning the desired output, the design of input/ output, database design, implementation. Making Applications made with thenavigation structure on the making of design input, output and ERD for themanufacture of logic programs. Recording transactions manually takes a longtime. The problem becomes more complicated when recording manually isexperiencing errors resulting in inaccurate information obtained. Therefore needdrug sales of computerized applications that make it easier in getting accurateinformation, thus minimizing errors. With this application, is expected to helpmanage data and improve the existing system at the pharmacy when inSwantoro