摘要:ABSTRACT :Progress of the age and the era of globalization makes us aware of theinformation. The role of computer technology is very important for someone tofacilitate a task, especially in the working world of information and dataprocessing. Computer technology is one of the most vital part in the viability ofan institution, agency or company. Human error or human error often frequentthe collation of data, transaction records, making reports and the work that stillrely on manual technology. Given these errors, an attempt to overcome theseerrors is to create applications that can solve the problem. The first thing to do isto examine these objects with a field study and book study. By knowing theprinciples or the workings of these objects, we can find out where the location offaults and the extent to which use of the technology.. Scientific writing is aimedat making steps manggambarkan new student applications. And theseapplications can be expected to facilitate users in data penyususan pemubuatanstudents and new students report