摘要:ABSTRACT :Recapitulation application is made to accelerate the process of recapitulationClass attendance is still done manually and reduce the risks that occur in storageis done manually by the guardian class. Making Applications AttendanceRecapitulation begins from SMK Kharismawita overview, then discusses thedatabase design ERD, entities and attributes in order to know what is involvedin the process of recapitulation, after recognizing entities and attributes that areknown then discuss the structure of the database and subsequent normalization.The next stage is to design draft program comprising: program structure, designinput, design output. By looking at the structure of this program, the reader isexpected to get a description of the application Recapitulation Class AttendanceAt SMK Kharismawita. Data processing with computer by using MicrosoftVisual Basic 6.0 and database storage media regularly on Microsoft Access2003.. Because the computer is ready to manage the data being loaded back inaccordance with the needs