摘要:Abstract|APPLICATION OF CONTENT MANAGE-MENT SYSTEM (CMS) JOOMLA FOR MADU MU-TIARA SMES TUGU IBU DEPOK Andri Pradita Un-dergraduate Program, Directorate of Information Tech-nology Diploma Program, 2009 Gunadarma Universityhttp://www.gunadarma.ac.id keyword: member, database,visual basic ( xiv + 68 + appendix ) ABSTRACT This paperdiscussing the steps of making website named UKM (SMES)Madu Mutiara Tugu Ibu Depok using software JOOMLA1.5.2 which can easily be made without source code or syn-taxsyntax normally used in making the website at general.Methods of research in this paper is done by some ways,namely by collecting data related to this writing. Websitesthat have been created will be uploaded so that people cansee information to be conveyed. The upload process usesCpanel program.