摘要:A prototype design of autonomus robot based on microcontroller is an exampleof mobile robot. Robot performs to search the road and follow the hallway insmall spaces by using infrared sensors. Also robot can detect the light. Providingsome other sensors on the mobile robot will provide better benefits in everydaylife. Giving the camera will make it as the path search robot and recordingimages on a dangerous field conditions. Providing heat sensors will make it asthe hotspots search robot. His ability to find a way determined by the datareceived by infrared sensor, a proximity sensor. When in front of the robot thereis no object the robot will provide high value to the microcontroller ports so thatit moves forward and give a low value when there are objects blocking thesensor. To be able to read the object it uses five sensors. Three sensors on thefront to set the robot straight or turn and two sensors on the side of the robot inorder that the robot can follow the wall on the side of the robot. This robot isalso equipped with a light sensor that will activate the led if it is in a dark room.The microcontroller program serves as an artificial intelligence in robots. Thisprogram gives the robot the ability to choose the straight path, to the left or rightand determine the space in the dark or light. The accuracy to turn and retreat ofthe robot is organized by the program. Part of the setting program is on the delayprocedure. The trial results showed that the ability of infrared sensors to read theobject is determined by the surface reflection of the object, the slope of theobject, the light in the room, big or small power supply voltages on the robotand the object color reflector.