摘要:Nowadays, the rise of development willincrease the need and the use of land andso how to control it. Moreover, anotherimportant thing is services and making ofcertificate. For some institutions orsocieties are wishing to obtain theinformation concerning the rights of landthat needed to process the transferring ofthe use land. It will use for trading,inherited rights, donation, mortgage andothers. During the day services ofinformation about the land stillconventional. In this case, it need acreation of computer program which ableto assist on repairing land informationsystem on land office. This applicationwas formed in GIS (GeographicInformation System). The result of mergerbetween exel data and Autocad exportedinto MapInfo Proffesional. Using thisapplication, the user only choosing whatthey want in a map. Then will emerge astatus of the land area. The informationthat will emerge cover the name of landowner, province, district, sub-district,address, rights number, wide and sellingprice. The writer conclude that by usingthis application, all staff will easily inputthe data so that can reduce the usage ofpaper too much.