摘要:TROUBLESHOOTING TUTORIAL APPLI-CATION IN PERSONAL COMPUTER WITH BORLANDDELPHI 7.0 Andi Rahman Putra Undergraduate Program,Directorate of Information Technology Diploma Program,2009 Gunadarma University http://www.gunadarma.ac.idkeyword: application, trobuleshooting, personal computer(x + 55 + appendix) ABSTRACT This paper describestroubleshooting tutorial application, in which there is infor-mation about recognition and computer problems rangingfrom the Monitor, Notebook, Motherboard, RAM, PowerSupply to the Operating System. There is also an inter-active menu that is displayed in the form of a quiz. Theprocess of making the application starts by collecting data,designing the navigation structure, design a menu page, cre-ate a program for each menu, and the previous test phasebegins with the CD burning process. The troubleshootingtutorial application is intended to allow users to know theirown problems in a computer without the need to improveon where computer repair