摘要:Use of the Internet as a medium of information, represents something that isvery e patient and effective. Therefore, SMA is located along the Islamic CentreFC want to build the school website, in an effort to improve the schoolinformation system. Website development is not an easy thing and not a difficultthing. Various kinds of inhibiting factors in the development of informationsystems for the website. Factors impeding the development of the school is noavailability of Human Resources (HR), which specifically deal with technicalissues like this and it cost no less in website development. Therefore, in theconstruction of this school website using Joomla is a Content ManagementSystem (CMS) as a solution that quickly and accurately. By using Joomla adynamic website can easily be built without having to make source code or othersyntax syntax commonly used in making website in general.. The software usedis Joomla, Xampp is one of the installation package PHP, Apache Web serverand MySQL