摘要:Computer network is a collection of computers, printers and other equipmentconnected in unity. Information and data moving through wires or wirelesscomputer network allowing users can exchange documents and data, print on thesame printer and together using hardware / software that is connected to thenetwork. Each computer, printer, or peripherals connected to the network calleda node. A computer network can have two, tens, thousands or even millions ofnodes. In a computer network of many computers are usually connected to oneor several servers. Servers are computers that functioned as a servant sendingdata or receiving data and to arrange shipping and receiving of data betweencomputers that are connected. Wide Area Network is a network that has a verywide range, because the radius include a country and continent.. Router is adevice that can be used for connecting the same local network at the OSI layer.When two routers that do not use the same cable will do the communication,they must communicate indirectly through a router. Data packet sent from routerto router the other one will go through an intermediary router. Once accepted infull the conditions of this package are stored until the channel for output in afree state, the new package will be forwarded.