摘要:Rapid advancement of computer technology in the use of the internet reallychange the lives of us all. Use of the Internet itself is always increasing, so thatin large cities, the Internet has become a necessity of everyday life. Many of theactivities conducted via the Internet companies are starting to cause thephenomenon of the use of prefixes and e and online. Phenomena are touchingthe world with the birth penidikan and training e-learning or electronic-basedlearning is used to illustrate the use of technology in education. Because of thisphenomenon, the authors create the website E-Learning History of IndonesianIndependence elementary schools using Moodle 1.9.1 with Microsoft Word andsupporting software Solid Converter PDF. In manufacturing, the author uses themethod starts from the stage of data collection, design, production andimplementation phase. The process of making website E-Learning History ofIndonesian Independence using Moodle 1.9.1 has been completed and theresults have been uploaded to the internet using the domain cpanel facilitieswww.belajar-sejarah.com and can be accessed via the internet.