摘要:At the writing of Sciences, entitled Making Website volleyball club METEORusing Macromedia Fireworks and Dreamweaver MX 2004, which is behind themaking of this website is the internet as a medium for communication andinformation that has been needed for the dissemination of any information,especially information about one of the club volleyball in East Jakarta METEORclub volleyball. In making this website, use the program Macromedia Fireworksand Dreamweaver MX 2004. The basic model is poured into the design of thewebsite navigation structure, navigation structure used in the navigationstructure of mixtures. Macromedia Fireworks and Dreamweaver MX 2004 isuseful for creating a Web site, because in this program may be easier to design apage on the Web, and provides facilities such as manufacturing which beautifyand complement the Web pages.