摘要:In the face of business competition is getting tighter in the technology fieldDarma computer rental parties are always trying to provide good service to every customer. The strategy is an important enough in the face of the competitive level of competition among businesses that a single computer rental computer rental business with others. From the data obtained, the authors try to measure how much the level of customer satisfaction for services provided by computer rental Darma, who viewed the Reliability dimension, Tangible Dimension, Dimension Responsiveness, Assurance and Dimensions Dimensions Emphaty. In this study, the method used is the method of questionnaire addressed to 100 respondents, of which each respondent had to fill in the form of questions and respondents' expectations of performance and computer rental Darma in the questionnaire required respondents to answer according to the assessment categories that have been provided. Based on calculations performed with the Likert scale, the results obtained from 347.05 for the average performance of computer rental Satisfactory Darma stating the services provided by Darma computer rental. And it proves that the computer rental Darma has given good service to every customer. Bibliography (1995-2007)