摘要:Working Capital Management Company was the arrangement of the total andthe amount of each component of working capital and expenditures needed tosupport current assets are clarified in writing this with the title Scientific MethodAnalysis of Working Capital Spending PD.INTAN. Analysis Method ofWorking Capital Spending was aimed to identify methods used PD.INTAN,compare of three methods Spending, and know the benefits and weaknesses ofeach method. The conclusion that can be drawn from this analysis is PD.INTANnot use special methods in the Work of Capital expenditure, while the resultsobtained from the calculation of three methods Spending (Aggressive,Conservative, Trade-Off) using PD.INTAN year 2005 financial data, placingAggressive Methods on Profit was also the lowest cost producer and high risk.Conservative generate high costs, while the profit and risks are relativelyrandah.. So that each method has different advantages and disadvantages and theuse of different methods that will be used by the Company depending on thecondition of the Company's own.