摘要:In addition to photocopying machines in an effort RIO Stationery, then thisbusiness is to invest by purchasing the Canon NP 6050 copy machine that has aprice of Rp. 35,000,000.00. to examine and analyze these investments are usedto calculate the Net Present Value method, the positive value of Rp. 42.65182million, -. Profitability Index is more than 1 (one) equal to 2.21. Payback Periodof return on investment faster than the economic life of 2 years 1 month 20 days,so it can be seen that investment photocopiers is feasible to be done andimplemented. While for the use of leasing services in obtaining a copy machineis just not profitable and better buying photocopiers, using their own capitalbecause it shows good results and more profitable.