摘要:In scientific writing, the author discusses how investment processes that occuron public transportation services business (D.08) owned by Mr HM Mansyur,South Jakarta, using a business feasibility study and obtained the results of thecalculation of Net Present Value (NPV) is positive ( ) amounting to Rp9,450,745, Internal Rate Of Return (IRR) of 17.58% invastasi calculation isfeasible because the value is greater than the borrowing rate, and PaybackPeriod with faster capital payback period of three years five months and threedays faster than the economic life of five years. The objective of the feasibilitystudy is to avoid late investments that are too big on public transport services(D.08) with majors Ciputat-BSD is for activities that were not profitable.. Withthe present value of net cash receipts in the future is greater than the presentvalue of investment, the IRR method can be defined as the interest rate that willmake the total present value of expected net revenue to be received equals thevalue of total present value of capital expenditure, and Payback Period Thismethod can measure how fast the investment return with the results of timeunits. Of the three methods, shows that the investment proposal to add a newfleet and conduct business on public transport services (D.08) Ciputat-BSDmajoring in business is owned by Mr HM Mansyur be Accepted.