摘要:The presence of mobile aka cellular telephone in our lives is a great leap in thehistory of human communication. Cellular technology is the technology of themost modern communication and the most promising both in terms of quality,efficiency, and economy. Consumer satisfaction is determined by consumerperceptions of product or service performance in meeting customerexpectations. Customers satisfied if expectations are met. From the dataobtained, the authors analyze how the level of customer satisfaction for 3Gmobile phones Nokia N-Series with a four-dimensional according to the HandiIrawan (2002:37) as seen from the side: Product Quality, Price, Service Quality,and Emotional Factor. In this scientific writing, the author has conducted ananalysis of the data obtained based on the results of a questionnaire to 50respondents with a 15 question. Calculations showed the average level ofconcordance between the level of performance and the interests of therespondents, the factors that influence consumer satisfaction of 3G mobilephones Nokia N-Series size of an average between 60.25% - 91.38%, it meansthat the level of performance / implementation and the level of interest /expectations of 3G mobile phones Nokia N-Series has been in accordance withcustomer expectations. Chi Square analysis of the obtained results that count ?2= 332.33 is greater than table ?2 = 18.55, so Ho rejected and Ha accepted, whichmeans the consumer was satisfied with 3G mobile phones Nokia N-Series.