摘要:Contentment is a feeling of joy or disappointment that someone received as aresult of the comparison between the achievements or products are perceivedand expected. In writing this scientific problem is how high the proposed levelof customer satisfaction on service quality PLN Sunday Market Services Unit, ifviewed from the elements of service reliability, responsiveness, assurance,tangibles and emphaty. In writing this scholarly writer has deployed aquestionnaire to the 50 customers of PT PLN Sunday Market Services Unit withthe statement of 15. And calculation of average level of compatibility betweenthe implementation level and the level of customer interest factors that influencecustomer satisfaction of services Service Unit of PT PLN's Sunday Market anaverage size of between 69.49% -80.18%. Chi Square analysis of the obtainedresults that count x2 of 45.352 is greater than x2 Table of 26.296 so Ho rejectedand Ha accepted which means customers feel. no peas to services PLN SundayMarket Services Unit.