摘要:This scientifivic entitled ANALYSIS ON THE SOURCE AND THE USE OFWORKING CAPITAL AT PT. (PERSERO) PELABUHAN INDONESIA IIBy using the annual report period in 2003, 2004, and 2005, the writer wanted toknow how the financial situation at the PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IIseen from analysis on the source and the use of Working Capital based on thebalance sheet and profit and loss in three years. From the results of thediscussion can be concluded that in the year 2003 until year 2005 performanceof the financial report at PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II, based on thesource and use of working capital in the year 2003 visits to the year 2004 thishas decreased to less good performance of the company and in 2004 to 2005 thisincreased to good corporate performance in the previous year, although lesswell. Thus there is a connection between the source and use of working capitalwith the level of liquidity