期刊名称:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
出版社:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
摘要:Website andApplication Data Centralization in Practicum LaboratoryDepartment of Computer at Gunadarma University UsingVb.Net and Soap is an application web-based, and desktop-based application that can be used to perform some admin-istrative activities online. Web-based applications, specif-ically used by students, to know the various kinds of in-formation, concerning the practical activities throughoutthe Laboratory, which is under the Department of Com-puter Systems. Such information, a list of values ??andstudent graduation status, academic calendar laboratory,lab schedules, and news about events, in the laboratory.Unlike the application web-based, centralized applicationdesktop-based data, is an application used to facilitate thepractical value of data distribution process, from the serverlaboratory administration to several clients, such as the co-ordinator laboratory, and secretarial department. This ap-plication, developed using "programming language" fromVisual Basic. Net Framework 3.5 2008 SP1, which is veryrich with various components of network management. Inthe transaction data, This application wrapped data objectssent using the SOAP protocol, while to improve securityin the transaction, used algorithm TripleDES encryption,with support for RSA asymmetric encryption algorithm inpublic key distribution process, and validation using MD5algorithm. Applications centralized desktop-based lab data,using components Crystal Report, to provide conveniencein the process of checking information directly, by the op-erator on the client side.